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Armor-Rock Parlor 10 Years Later

Any dairyman considering a new or remodeled dairy should find it very worthwhile to take a look at Vanberg Specialized Coatings Flooring Systems.
When dairyman Dale Wadel remodeled his parlor in 2005, he knew he wanted to prevent corrosion of his concrete from the beginning. Dales primary goal was to install a surface f…

Armor-Rock Xpress Cure in Action

We commonly come across dairy applications where the desire for a durable and chemical resistant floor is present, but may be inhibited by downtime factors where a quick turn-around to production is required. To address this need VSC has developed and tes…
Armor-Rock XC: Xpress Cure Mortar System We commonly come across dairy applications where the desire for a durable and chemical resistant floor is present, but may be inhibited…