Armorcoat Epoxies
When floor coatings require great gloss, easy cleaning, durability, bright color and chemical resistance, Armorcoat is the choice. Armorcoat is designed with a 100% solids epoxy resin formulation used in VSC overlay and decorative coating systems, to last a life time.
Primers & Sealers
Priming prior to coating and sealing afterwards are very important as to extend the life of floors and concrete. At VSC, we provide primers with superior resistance to stain and wear, and sealers with excellent adhesion and penetration without odors.
Low-Build Coatings
VSC Low-Build Coatings can withstand heavy vehicle traffic, high chemical, stain and scratch. They can be used over concrete, metal and wood. With VSC Low-Build Coatings' excellent UV stability, you will not need to worry about floor yellowing.
Con-Korite Mortars
Con-Korite is a ‘pure cement’ fast-setting, extra abrasion resistant, high strength and non-shrink mortar. It can be used for floor overlays and grouting. When mixed with water, it produces a uniform, trowel-able mortar. When mixed with KB25 Acrylic Resin, it produces a repair with very good resistance to absorption by corrosive compounds.
Repair Products
At VSC, we provide a variety range of repairing products to suit your needs. They are easy to use with weather and abrasive resistance, and high-build capability. We are here to help you pick up the right product for any horizontal or vertical surfaces you need to repair.
Wall Coatings
With VSC seamless and joint-free epoxy Wall Coating system, whether how tough the environments are, you will be able to have superior protection over your walls against chemical and abrasion. Finding it hard to maintain sanitary walls? Do not worry, VSC Wall Coatings provide protection from a wide range of fungi and bacteria.
Metal Restoration
VSC metal repair and protection products are designed to quickly and easily repair, coat and protect deteriorating metal surfaces. They are a cost-effective way to greatly extend the life of metal. They are also formulated to withstand corrosive and tough environments. So, whether a repair is needed or a complete roof coating system, VSC has a solution for you.
Tools & Supplies
Using the right tools and supplies according to different situations are essential. At VSC, we have all that you will need for any projects.